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“Your profession is not what brings home your bi-weekly paycheck, your profession is what you’re here on Earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.”    ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Contact Us

There are three ways that we can work together: in person, by telephone, or via e-mail.  We can also do a combination of the three depending on your need and desire. 


To find out more about our services drop us an email at,  or use the form below to get in touch with us, and begin the transition to your best YOU!

We'll usually get back to you within 24 business hours.

Send us your message

Services &

Fee Structure

Soul Realignment Reading $250

Soul Realignment Manifesting Blueprint Reading $200


Health and wellness coaching initial consult $200

Health and wellness on-going coaching session $25 weekly


Life transition session 1.5 hour $100 

Life transition session  monthly rate-  $325 


Reiki full body session (distance or in person) $70

Reiki spot treatment (distance or in person) 30 min/$ 50

Animal Reiki treatment (distance or in person) $ 45


 Life Transition Consulting Guarantees

We are so confident in the transformation work  offered we are prepared to provide you the following guarantee:


If you whole-heartedly implement what we discussed in our session/s, and you do not manifest more of what you want within 90 days, we will joyfully refund your investment.


Of course, if you do nothing with the information, we can pretty certainly guarantee that you’ll get no results from our work whatsoever.

Your non-implementation is not a valid reason for a refund.

Opinions are like #*@%, We ALL Have One...

You won’t find testimonials  or provider reviews on this site for a variety of reasons. 


First and foremost we take our clients’ privacy very seriously. 


We also have a strong belief that what works for one client may not work for another.  Each client is embraced as an individual, taking into account the unique life experiences they bring with them.  We believe that there is no right or wrong, only choices as you move along your path.


In this age of letting Google reviews drive decisions we challenge you to trust your own wisdom and inner knowing in regards to whether or not you have found the right teacher for you.


You are a powerful Divine Being and CAN make the decision for you on your own.





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​© 2014 by Life Transition Consulting.

 Greater Mid-Michigan, Greater Lansing Area

  All rights reserved.

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