"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transiton that's troublesome"
~Isaac Asimov
There is only one certainty in life and that is that death comes to us all. Facing our own mortality is often difficult. We have two main choices in coming to terms with our own death, or the death of a family member or friend. We can choose to view death as final and become consumed in grief, or we can envision life after death and celebrate the transition to eternal life. Our beliefs and personal experiences shape how we deal with this extremely emotive issue.
Losing a loved one can be a devastating blow to any family; especially if it is the first time they are losing someone very close to them. Thanatology (the study of death and the dying) has giving humanity the insight into life after death. People who have had near death experiences bring hope and reports of a better place. Books such as Saved By The Light and At Peace in the Light (both by Dannion Brinkley), offer inspiration and comfort to us all.
The Needs of the Dying
Taken from the book The Needs of the Dying By:David Kessler

~The need to be treated as a living human being.
~The need to maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing its focus may be.
~The need to be cared for by those who can maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing this may be.
~The need to express feeling and emotions about death in one's own way.
~The need to participate in decisions concerning one's care.
~Then need to be cared for by compassionate, sensitive, knowledgeable people.
~The need for continuing medical care, even though the goals may change from "cure" to "comfort" goals.
~The need to have all questions answered honestly and fully.
~The need to seek spirituality.
~The need to be free of physical pain.
~The need to express feelings and emotions about pain in one's own way.
~The need of children to participate in death.
~The need to die in peace and dignity.
~The need not to die alone.
~The need to know that the sanctity of the body will be respected after death.

David Kessler and Patricia Kuptz during a break at one of his seminars

Working With People Who Are Dying
Reiki connects us to the universal life force. The energy and unconditional love that people who have had near death experiences talk about. When you use Reiki in a situation such as with a person who is terminally ill you are connecting them to the unconditional love of the Divine and preparing them for their transition. You will often find Reiki temporarily revitalizes them so they have the energy to deal with any unfinished business they may have.
It is important to help them if possible tidy up their affairs. Teach them to heal and mend any family relationships that may have been strained in the past. Encourage them to forgive and let go of any unnecessary anger and pain. Death is not failure it is a natural part of life. Encourage family members and friends to say goodbye and let the person who is dying know it is okay to go; and although it hurts they can survive and carry on without them. This often brings relief and removes the feeling of guilt from the person who is dying.
Reiki can alleviate pain and anxiety and bring final peace and harmony to the mind body and spirit. Reiki gives the person control of how and when they die. Reiki builds a bridge to the other side and brings the life of the person to a joyful conclusion.
Treat the family and friends if possible with Reiki after their love-one has passed on. While the soul has departed and gone on to a joyous beginning, the people left behind often find it extremely difficult to come to terms with losing a close family member or friend. Heal their pain, and fill their mind body spirit and lives with the unconditional and omnipotent love of Reiki.